Wednesday 15 July 2015

Task 3 - Film Marketing Package (The Shining)

The Film

The Shining (1980, dir. Stanley Kubrick) redefined the horror genre. Bringing realistic, grotesque, macabre imagery into a genre that rarely saw the likes of such things in bigger budget productions. The film itself brings a lot into the overall marketing package, this is the meat of the package. The film doesn't disappoint and alongside the other aspects of the marketing package it is clear to see why The Shining was such a box office success. The fact I am writing this right now proves that this film has a long-standing legacy and impacted the film industry with a bang.

Blu-Ray Cover

The Shining [Blu-ray] [1999] [Region Free]  

The simplistic design art along with the stylistic font presents nothing more than it needs to. People know this film and the people who designed this cover art clearly understood this. No unnecessary promotions or reviews plastered over the cover. Simple and neat. Also, the image of Jack Nicholson's famous, "Here's Johnny" scene, which was improvised by Nicholson himself, sums up the entire film in one image. The Blu-Ray cover fits perfectly with the overall marketing package because of its stylised imagery, similar to the film but with overtones of simplicity and care.


Again, we are given the infamous image of Nicholson's face during the movies climax. The split image shows the before and after result of this scene, which perfectly presents the movies tone and atmosphere without ruining too much of the plot. Furthermore, the simplicity again links back to the Blu-Ray cover where there is no unnecessary filler content which is why this poster is also a good link in the overall marketing package for The Shining.


The scrolling text along with the image of the elevator doors reinforces the films overall ominous atmosphere. Also, only one continuous shot is used which, once again, shows the films reliance on simplicity in order to draw in viewers because the film knows what it is and doesn't strain to be more than it needs to be. I believe this trailer is a perfect example of a trailer that perfectly fits the marketing package.

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