Friday 3 July 2015

Task 2 - Research Into Another Student's Work

Ebony Anderson - Pros and Cons

Research: Ebony's research is detailed and thorough however I believe she could have used more reliable sources other than Wikipedia, Urban Dictionary and her own knowledge
Planning: The storyboard seems convoluted and confusing, however the simplicity of her drawings help visualise her shots easier. Also the descriptions of each shot could be further detailed.
Music Video: I enjoyed her music video very much and was impressed by the number of beautiful shots. However, I noticed that some shots were not in focus which bears the thought of how much better this music video could have been if Ebony had a more advanced knowledge of the camera and its functions.
Digipak: Ebony's digipak screams average. It appears she has used the same stock image of a galaxy throughout the entire digipak which presents an overall tone of medioctrity. Also, I believe the tone of the digipak in no way mirrors either the tone of the music video or the song itself.
Magazine Advert: For some reason or another I couldnt gain access to Ebony's magazine advert, therefore I cannot voice my opinions on it's pros and cons.
Evaluation: Again, I could not access Ebony's prezi. It must have been taken off of the servers.

Overall, I enjoyed looking through Ebony's work. Her thorough research and good music video has helped me visualise what I hope to achieve at the end of the course.

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